Dr. Rich Templin serves as the Legislative & Political Director for the Florida AFL-CIO. Templin has nearly two decades of experience advocating for working families at Florida’s Capitol and has been directly involved in some of the most tumultuous policy battles in state history. “Templin’s Take” provides a forum for him to interact with Fight for Florida activists and others about the intersections between politics and policy making in the Florida Legislature on a wide range of issues including taxes, economic development, workers’ rights, education, elections and others.

Is there an issue you would like to see addressed in this forum or a policy question you have for the good doctor? Use the form on this page to submit your questions or ideas for the forum and we will get Rich working on it.

Labor unions are alive and well

The Labor Day holiday was unanimously approved by Congress in 1894 to recognize and celebrate the victories and contributions of the American labor movement. Unfortunately, and ironically, the holiday designated to celebrate America’s labor unions is also used by big business special interests and their supporters to denigrate those unions.