An Agenda for Florida’s Workers, 2018-19

It has been years since Florida’s workers have had an ally in the governor’s mansion. While the economy has been growing under Rick Scott, pay has been flat and living costs have been rising, leaving millions of families just a missed paycheck away from economic crisis. Those who have been underpaid, injured on the job or laid off – even after a natural disaster – have been left stranded by the state’s broken systems. Florida’s working families deserve a governor who will fight for them by promoting good jobs with fair pay and safe workplaces for the state’s eight million workers.

Trump’s Budget: A Wish List for the Wealthy, A Nightmare for Florida

The White House official 2018 budget titled, “A New Foundation for American Greatness” reads more like a new plan to kill the American dream for working families. It includes some of the steepest budget cuts the country has ever seen. The victims of these cuts? Florida's poor, the environment, and our children.

Gov. Rick Scott Should Veto HB 7069: Terrible Education Policy that Can’t Stand the Light of Day

If signed into law, HB 7069 will transform our public education system into a disjointed collection of privatized programs taking over a woefully underfunded public good, perhaps the most important public good that government has the responsibility to provide. Here are some of the biggest misstatements being made and why they should be rejected.

Jacksonville workers to hold ‘Rally to Defend the Working Class’

On Saturday, March 11, workers, unions, the North Florida Central Labor Council and community groups across Florida will rally in downtown Jacksonville to defend the working class, which faces renewed attacks from President Donald Trump and the Republican-dominated Congress.