Jacksonville workers to hold ‘Rally to Defend the Working Class’

On Saturday, March 11, workers, unions, the North Florida Central Labor Council and community groups across Florida will rally in downtown Jacksonville to defend the working class, which faces renewed attacks from President Donald Trump and the Republican-dominated Congress.

Get out the vote this weekend, for a better life.

Races across the state are tight in Florida. Up and down the ticket union endorsed working family candidates need our support this weekend to put them over the top. Make a difference by joining us at one of the following Labor 2016 volunteer events during GOTV weekend! We have canvassing and phone banking opportunities for you to help get out the working family vote in your area.

Labor unions are alive and well

The Labor Day holiday was unanimously approved by Congress in 1894 to recognize and celebrate the victories and contributions of the American labor movement. Unfortunately, and ironically, the holiday designated to celebrate America’s labor unions is also used by big business special interests and their supporters to denigrate those unions.