Rick Scott’s Florida: Wage Thieves Gone Wild

Governor Scott has made Florida a haven for unscrupulous companies all in the guise of making Florida “business friendly”. It’s probably no surprise that the industries that have provided the bulk of Scott’s job recovery numbers (restaurant and lodging, retail and tourism) also pay the lowest wages, have the fewest benefits and are filled with employers who steal from their employees.

Rick Scott Makes Us Cringe

“When I hear a politician say that we have to raise the minimum wage so working families can make ends meet, I cringe…” – Governor Rick Scott Rick Scott’s Economy Scott Maxwell, of the Orlando Sentinel, put it quite plainly when he wrote, “If you’re still arguing that lowering corporate-tax rates and increasing corporate handouts is a formula for success, you’re delusional….Incentives

6 Reasons Why Rick Scott Is One of the Worst Candidates for Working Families in the 2014 Elections

AFL-CIO NOW Blog, by Kenneth Quinnell It’s an election year and we are quickly approaching the time when working families will have the opportunity to go to the polls and vote against a whole host of extreme candidates who support policies that limit rights, make it even harder to afford a middle class life and pad the pockets of their corporate buddies.