Values Over Money: Joe Biden Shows Real Leadership For Puerto Rico’s Future

Coming on the first few days of Hispanic Heritage Month, and largely tailored towards the influential voting bloc of Puerto Ricans across battleground states, dueling proposals from the two campaigns have captured much fanfare. The similarities between Republican and Democratic policy agendas end there. They really show how one presidential candidate, Joe Biden, is a true statesman, while President Trump remains the same conman we were warned about in 2016.

In 2018, Worker Solidarity Will Win

The fight for issues that affect all of us like fair wages, affordable healthcare, and retiring with dignity, will be lost if we fail to stand together. We cannot afford to let ourselves be divided, or to only be engaged when a certain party or candidate is taking our side. In the months and years to come, we will have huge victories for working people if we continue to educate our friends and family, agitate those that seek to tear away what we have, and organize in solidarity, for the future of us all.

Local Voices: A Student, A Carrier Pilot, and My Friend Bunny

As Ellen finished her remarks, her eyes glowed with pride as she looked at her son who now strives to continue in her footsteps as a union pilot and shared gratitude that Bunny and her union family could help provide that opportunity. Generation after generation, struggle after struggle, that moment defined unionism in a nutshell for me. Union is community. It’s working hard to lift one another up in any way that we can so that we can all thrive and so that we can all be heroes. 

Who is union strong? Students, hero women pilots, my friend Bunny, you and I, that’s who.

Gov. Rick Scott Should Veto HB 7069: Terrible Education Policy that Can’t Stand the Light of Day

If signed into law, HB 7069 will transform our public education system into a disjointed collection of privatized programs taking over a woefully underfunded public good, perhaps the most important public good that government has the responsibility to provide. Here are some of the biggest misstatements being made and why they should be rejected.

Jacksonville workers to hold ‘Rally to Defend the Working Class’

On Saturday, March 11, workers, unions, the North Florida Central Labor Council and community groups across Florida will rally in downtown Jacksonville to defend the working class, which faces renewed attacks from President Donald Trump and the Republican-dominated Congress.

Get out the vote this weekend, for a better life.

Races across the state are tight in Florida. Up and down the ticket union endorsed working family candidates need our support this weekend to put them over the top. Make a difference by joining us at one of the following Labor 2016 volunteer events during GOTV weekend! We have canvassing and phone banking opportunities for you to help get out the working family vote in your area.