Local Building & Construction Trade Unions Reach Out to Community with Career Opportunities

The Florida West Coast Apprenticeship Council will reach out to the community about the opportunities and career paths their trainings provide. On Thursday, May 10th, they will be working with faith and community leaders in the African American community to host an apprenticeship career fair at the NFL YET Center (3310 E Lake Ave, Tampa) from 10AM – 1PM. Members of the community will be able to talk to apprenticeship coordinators from local unions about apprenticeship programs that offer paid training, skills and industry certifications, and a path to a successful career with high pay and unrivaled benefits.

Never Forget Why the Affordable Care Act is so Important

                              The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act–more than 105 million Americans will continue to benefit from the elimination of lifetime limits and the coverage of preventive services, more than 6 million young adults will remain covered by their parents’ health care plans and seniors will continue to save money on prescription drugs: http://www.aflcio.org/Issues/Health-Care